May 25, 2015


My thoughts on Memorial Day today can be found at "On The Road With Dave" I hope that your Memorial Day was safe. I hope that in whatever way you observed the day, it was as you wished.

If you spent time with family, or in your own solitude remembering someone who was lost in a battle, or lost some other way serving in the military--my thoughts are with you and with your family.

And if you used this day to remember anyone who is no longer alive, for any reason, then I remember with you.  If you light a candle, say a prayer, place flowers on a grave, shed a tear, or break down in a raucous laughter at the thought of that someone; then I wish you comfort.

Feel free to read the rest of my thoughts...
They were not heroes. We don’t honor heroes on Memorial Day, we honor all those who died for just being there; so we could stay here.  We honor those; not for being extraordinary, but so we could remain ordinary.

Have a glorious summer. It begins. 


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